slotted nut การใช้
- The parts and units of jigs and fixtures . t - slot nut
- Specification for hexagon slotted nuts and castle nuts
- Reduced hexagon thick slotted nuts with mj thread
- Plain nuts and slotted nuts - part2 : hexagonal plain nuts
- Plain nuts and slotted nuts - part 1 : general specification
- Hexagon thin slotted nuts - fine pitch thread - product grades a and b
- Hexagon slotted nuts , style 1 - product grade c
- Hexagon thin slotted nuts - product grades a and b
- Plain nuts and slotted nuts - part4 : hexagonal slotted nuts
- Hexagon slotted nuts , style 1 - product grade c
- Plain nuts and slotted nuts - part3 : hexagonal reduced height plain nuts
- Plain nuts and slotted nuts - part5 : hexagonal slotted reduced height nuts
- Hexagon slotted nuts - part 3 : metric coarse pitch thread ; product grade c
- Hezagon castle slotted nut
- T - slot nuts
- Hexagon thin slotted nuts with small widths across flats for use in automotive engineering not intended for new designs
- Hexagon slotted nuts with small widths across flats for use in automotive engineering not intended for new designs
- Textiles machinery and accessories - hexagon nuts and slotted nuts for spinning and twisting spindles iso 13754 : 1999